17 nov. 2009

Sfântul Grigorie făcătorul de minuni şi TAINA SFINTEI TREIMI

"A văzut sfântul şi pe Preasfânta Născătoarea de Dumnezeu, împreună cu Ioan cuvântătorul de Dumnezeu, aievea învăţându-l taina Sfintei Treimi"

Our father among the saints Gregory the Wonderworker (cca 213–270 AD)

The Theotokos and Apostle John appeared to St. Gregory in a dream, and taught him about the Holy Trinity. St. Gregory wrote down what was revealed to him.
"The teaching about the Holy Trinity in Orthodox Theology is based on it. Subsequently it was used by the holy Fathers of the Church: Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian, and Gregory of Nyssa. The Symbol of St Gregory of Neocaesarea was later examined and affirmed in the year 325 by the First Ecumenical Council, showing his enduring significance for Orthodoxy."
Troparion (Tone 8)
You became worthy of your name through your way of life:
Through your vigilance in prayer and your constant constant works of mercy.
Therefore, O Father Gregory, beseech Christ God to enlighten our minds,
That we may not sleep in sin, which leads to death!

Kontakion (Tone 2)
You received the power to perform miracles,
Frightening the devils and healing the sick through your wonderworking.
All-wise Father Gregory,
Your deeds truly entitle you to be called "Wonderworker"!

St Gregory the Wonderworker of Neocaesarea (OCA)

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